xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Kryssie Fortune: **New Release ** Sinful Deeds - Krymson Destroyers MC - By: Kris Anne Dean

Sunday 29 November 2020

**New Release ** Sinful Deeds - Krymson Destroyers MC - By: Kris Anne Dean


A man on a mission. 

A woman scorned.


 Darker than the hell I came from, Raven crashes into my world shattering the ice around my soul. She’s a dangerous woman, responsible for my missing brother. As President of the Krymson Destroyers, I need to uncover the secrets she’s carrying before her demons destroy her and take down my club in the process.


 My scars are a constant reminder of the nightmare I’m running from. When my past catches up to me, I’m forced into the Krymson Destroyers compound. I try to keep Chainz at arm’s length, but my body and mind are at war. His touch breaks down my defenses in all the ways I desire. Can I trust him with my heart and the deadly secrets I hold?

Buy link

Amazon           https://bit.ly/SinfulDeeds-AMZ

Bookbub          https://bit.ly/SinfulDeedsBB

Goodreads       https://bit.ly/SinfulDeedsGR


About Kris Anne Dean

Dark and Dangerous Desires


“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” Marilyn Monroe -1960


Kris Anne Dean is an indie author and lover of all things alpha. She love’s the bad boys and the women strong enough to stand with them. She enjoys reading books, watching TV series and movies that feature the troubled, morally challenged anti-hero with a big heart when it comes to family. Throw in a hot body and beautiful eyes and she’s a fan.

 Kris Anne is a mother to three boys with an age gap between the oldest and youngest of 14 years! When she’s not working, reading or binge watching Netflix, you can find her on the sidelines cheering them on.

 Kris Anne grew up in South Florida but is raising her children in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. While she enjoys the small town life, she hates shoveling snow. She’s always on the go, always running late (blame the cow crossings and horse and buggies) and often forgets to breathe!

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Facebook Reader Group: http://bit.ly/Dirty-Little-Secrets

Amazon: http://bit.ly/KADAmazon

Goodreads: bit.ly/GRKrisAnneDean

BookBub: bit.ly/BBKrisAnneDean

Instagram: http://bit.ly/KADInstagram

Website: http://bit.ly/KrisAnneDean-DarkRomance



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